First Steps Elementary Academy is an Independent Accredited Funded Private School located in Red Deer, Alberta. We offer personal and specific learning experiences for each of our students. Our small class size, grades capped at 12 students per class, means teachers and students build trust and bonds which, are vital to the learning relationship. Students do not learn from those they do not trust. Each student discovers their unique capabilities through enriched learning activities. Students are expected to work at their individual levels, are held responsible and accountable for their work and actions. First Steps Elementary Academy provides an environment for our students to excel in their learning and personal development. We believe in and inspire integrity, respect, culture and achievement in our leaders of tomorrow.

Our Board
Board Chair - John MacKenzie j-mackenz@shaw.ca
Vice Chair - Cindy Bower
Secretary - Dayna Goruk
Treasurer - Patricia Repas-Barrett
Charlie Turnbull
Lane Harris
Tannis Van Norden
Lynne Harris (Principal)